Monday, September 9, 2013

All together.

I know you feel like you need to have it all together.

Before you can do ministry.  Before you can write the book you want to write.  Before you can pursue design school.  Before you can do whatever it is you truly desire.  I know you feel like everyone else is further along than you, and you just need to get a little bit better before you attempt to reach your full potential, or any potential.

Can I tell you something?  Nobody has it all together.  That's a myth.

No one has the perfect job.
No one has the perfect marriage.
No one has perfect parenting skills.
No one has a perfect walk of faith.

Stop bathing in the muddy water of "all together".  It will only keep leaving you thirsty.  You don't have to have to have life all figured out before you can start living. You don't have to be perfect to pursue grace.


That's the stuff the good life is made of, anyways.  Grace in a broken, beautiful life.  It infiltrates the myth of perfection.  The myth that says you have to clean yourself up first.

It's crystal clear water.